Thursday, March 18, 2010

MTC Version 2.2.1 just released

Well it is official, the upgraded version of Make the Cut is out. It went through several more updates from the Beta version and is now Version 2.2.1. I have been playing with the new features and am really excited about the new version. If you haven't tried this wonderful software please click on the link under My Favorite Places to Visit to check it out.

Update: I have been steadily working on my Europe Shapebook and have all of the page layers added and will now be adding the embellishments. I am really pleased at how this is turning out and will be sharing it with you shortly. Please remember to check back in a few days I should have pictures to post by then.

Oh yeah and the "posterboard" I am using, purchased from Wal-Mart, is holding up as well as the brown chipboard. I do believe this will be what I use from now on. The white seams just look so much better than the brown seams.

Have a great day and remember check back soon for pics of my book.

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